Thursday, July 29, 2010

Interesting Article

This is an article I found on natural childbirth and the hormones that are released and the roles they play vs. induced/augmented labor and the lack of those hormones. VERY interesting.

A new craft adventure....

I made a door hanger for a friend for when she gives birth. Check it out....

Dangers of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS)

I know it's agenda pushing but I don't care. Read your food labels everyone. HFCS is BAD for you. It's in everything. Drinks, juices, dressings, condiments! Be's your health and your families health.

Not only am I am anti-HFCS I am also anti-soy. Soy is bad for the thyroid and iodine absorption. Also, it's estrogen. Estrogen running unabated in a women's body causes endomitriosis and breast cancer, just to name a few Not to mention men don't need to be consuming large amounts of estrogen. It's really not as good for you as people think. Plus it's a genetically manipulated crop/organism (GMO). Made to be able to be produced in mass quantities. Altered from the way God intended.

I am in full support of people who make an educated, lifestyle choice to eat soy. What I don't support is companies hiding it in processed foods, etc. because it's cheap and they are looking to line their pockets. Ugh! Anyway, I will get off my food source soap box! I have had to do lots of research because of Drew and his allergies and its alarming what they stick in foods to extend shelf life and make it cheaper so 'they' (fat exec's) can profit off of us while not truly caring about what is in the food or having the general publics best interest at heart. *sigh*

Dioxins in Disposable Diapers

DID YOU KNOW...disposable diapers contain traces of Dioxin, an extremely toxic byproduct of the paper-bleaching process. It is a carcinogenic chemical, listed by the EPA as the most toxic of all cancer-linked chemicals. It is banned in most countries, but not the US. Cloth diapering is healthy for your baby and the environment :) -- Now Jonah still gets an occasional disposable and I know most don't want to do cloth....nasty, hassle, etc. But consider it!